For Agents

Growing up in a family of Real-Estate Agents I value all of the relationships I make with any agent I work with.

For Agents

We are here to help

I will work with you!

I understand that home inspectors receive a bad reputation as deal killers and this is where I stand apart from the rest. I grew up in a home of real-estate agents, so I know the ins and outs of a deal. I understand that reports have the potential to scare clients away, that is why I write my reports to not only inform the client, but also to protect the deal at hand.

Schedule your inspection now!

Client Focused

We pride ourselves on making the home inspection process fast, easy, and friction-free. We are here to ensure that the client is well informed about their investment. We offer flexible scheduling, affordable rates, and standard home inspection services. If your client is looking for an inspection then Ten Point is that right place to be!

Delicate Reporting

We understand that home inspection reports can scare clients away. We also know that this can cause a deal to fall through. We ensure that our reports are thorough enough to help the client make an informed decision without scaring them away from the home of their dreams!

Expedited Process

We at 10 Point know the Real-Estate industry inside and out. We know that time is of the essence when it comes to signing a deal with the client. That is why we make it our priority to ensure we are out inspection the house as soon as possible. Delivering a report to the client within 24 hours after the inspection.